Our Worship Assemblies

What You Can Expect When You Visit Our Services

We frequently have visitors to our services. We always appreciate when people make the decision and take the time to worship God with us. You can expect to receive a warm, friendly welcome when you visit with us. Please know that you will not be singled out or put on the spot. Someone will likely ask you to fill out a visitor's card so that we can thank you for your visit and give you the opportunity to provide feedback and request notification of future events. We hope you find your time with us uplifting, encouraging, and enjoyable. Most of all, we hope the worship service stirs you to glorify God and to seek a relationship with Christ Jesus.

We strive to conduct worship services that are aligned with Bible teaching. As such, you can expect our services and classes to be both Scriptural in practice and reverent in tone, in accordance with apostolic teaching and the example of the early Christians. When we come together to worship, we participate in the following:

  • Taking the Lord's Supper — We do this every Sunday (Acts 20:7), just as Jesus instructed the early disciples (1 Corinthians 11:23-29).
  • Singing — We sing a variety of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs for the purpose of praising God as well as teaching and admonishing one another (Colossians 3:16). We often are asked, "Why don't you use musical instruments to accompany your singing?" The fact is, we DO play ONE instrument - our hearts. Ephesians 5:19 says, "...singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord." If we sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs but do not make melody with hearts full of gratitude, God is not pleased with our worship.
  • Praying — Time will be spent speaking to our Father in heaven (Acts 2:42).
  • Giving — Members contribute every Sunday to the work of supporting evangelists and providing benevolence to needy Christians (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). Visitors are not asked to give. You certainly may if you like, but we will neither expect nor pressure you to do so.
  • Preaching — A sermon or short talk is usually given each service (Acts 20:7). Sermons seek to explain Biblical teaching and to apply it to our everyday lives.

If you ever have questions about what you see or hear during one of our worship services, feel free to ask one of us after the services or use the contact links on this website to get in touch with us. We hope to see you soon!